hello darkness

Days are getting shorter and shorter, literally every day. When I go to university in the morning it’s still dark, when I come back home in the afternoon the sun is already setting. Some days the sun doesn’t even make it through the clouds.

I don’t know how other people deal with this, but I noticed that the gloomy weather and the lack of sunlight affect me, I get moody, impatient, worry more and feel apathy. I miss the sun! And seeing half-wrecked buildings, dead pigeons and grumpy/drunk people every other day doesn’t really make things easier.

But to avoid that the darkness sneaks from the outside into my mind, I use a couple of strategies to cheer myself up. Maybe some of them work out for you as well?

vitamin d Kopie
I really try not to forget taking vitamin D, although I’m not sure if it really works – but if you feel tired all the time check if you lack any vitamins. (But basically, almost everybody lacks vitamin D.)

sports KopieI’m not really a sporty person, but I like to do something for my body because afterwards I always feel better. Not only because I have the illusion that I prevent myself from getting chubby, but also because my my mind gets a break.

chocolate kopieKind of obvious. Since I read that chocolate contains vitamin D, I have an even better excuse to get my daily dose. But, at the same time, I try to be more conscious about what I’m eating in general and avoid to overeat or eat to cheer me up.

musciDon’t let Spotify get into your head and ignore it’s suggesting the “Life sucks”-playlist. What always cheers me up is listening to my favourite Spanish songs. Not only because they have pep, but because they are more than songs to me – they are linked to beautiful summer memories and lovely people.

thoughts kopieI tend to be a worrier sometimes and can’t stop overthinking things I can’t really change or control anyways. To get the thoughts that keep haunting me out of my head, I write them down – sometimes also talking helps.

dressingLast but not least, I feel better when I feel beautiful. Not for nothing it’s said that “it’s the little things in life”. Sometimes that’s just red lipstick or fancy earrings.

Ok guys, can’t wait to see you all soon wearing red lipstick and humming Spanish songs. 😉 Which strategies do you have to escape the winter blues? Let me know – always looking for inspiration. 🙂

Header pic by Anastasiya Milinets

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